Calawis Elementary School is a complete elementary school situated in Purok 4, Barangay Calawis, Antipolo City. Apia Integrated School and Binayoyo Elementary School was then its satellites school, but due to its growing population, the two schools were given its own school manager.
The school has a total land area of 3,908 sq., meters. At present, it has a total population of 762 pupils, with 19 efficient and responsible teachers who continuously performing academically.
The school triggers its best to enhance and develop teachers in terms of teaching through classes’ observation with ultimate supervision. Teachers are tremendously required to attend seminars, meetings or conferences.
As to the schools’ facilities, there are project raised through Adopt –a-School Program, fund raisings organized by the GPTA, support from the LGU’s and NGO’s that makes the schools’ facilities as its best.